


Take risk management to the next level with real-time insights.

Connley Walker’s Client Portal allows users to utilise real-time data to manage, monition and respond to vulnerabilities and risks within their digital infrastructure. In accordance with the Essential Eight Maturity Model, users are able to manage their cyber security risks efficiently and make risk management decisions based on real data.

Annual risk assessments

In order to keep our security consultants engaged with your organisation’s security risk management progress, we conduct annual security risk assessments to assist in identifying applicable risks, vulnerabilities and threats to your company. Our client portal blends both internal and external security risk management to ensure accuracy of your information.

Physcial Security Management

Benefits of Connley Walker's Client Portal

Physcial Security Management

Analytics & insights

Connley Walker was established in 1996 to provide independent consultancy services in the areas of security, technology and risk management. Connley Walker is an Australian owned and operated business. We are entirely independent which ensures our integrity and focus on providing comprehensive, cost effective and reliable solutions to mitgate security risks.

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