

connley walker's client portal

Our purpose

Connley Walker’s purpose is to help businesses and organisations identify, monitor and respond to risks using effective technology and resources. We believe that risk management is only as strong as it’s weakest link and as a result, we take a holistic approach to security risk management.

connley walker's client portal

Modern risk management

The twenty first century has opened the door for businesses and companies to manage security risks using real-time data and information. Connley Walker’s Client Portal bridges the gaps between internally managed risk auditing software and external security risk expertise. 

connley walker's client portal

Access to qualified security consultants

As members of Connley Walker’s Client Portal, you will have access to qualified security consultants in addition to comprehensive tools and resources that will help you manage security risks internally.

Connley Walker was established in 1996 to provide independent consultancy services in the areas of security, technology and risk management. Connley Walker is an Australian owned and operated business. We are entirely independent which ensures our integrity and focus on providing comprehensive, cost effective and reliable solutions to mitgate security risks.

© Copyright Connley Walker Pty Ltd